
I call on the power of the MoonBat. All College Professors, Art Directors, Newspaper Editors, Overpaid TV Reporters, Anyone else with a IQ of 80 or Below. Heed the call of MoonBatman.

Republicans Don’t Seem To Care What Christine Blasey Ford Has To Say

Republicans Don’t Seem To Care What Christine Blasey Ford Has To Say
Shame on the GOP as the party of misogynist rape apologists for the credibly accused Duke Lacrosse/UVA Frat gang rapists  that will hypocritically not defend Hollywood, the media and the press because of Politics, looking for any info to discredit the victim's story or smear the women by pointing out inconsistencies that proves the rape victims suffered trauma.  More discrepancies in a rape victim's story proves the rape because the traumatic event distorts the memory of the event and anything related to the event.
 They created a toxic narrative so bad, insulting and hurtful that progressives refuse to talk about them. Just like the CBC and the teabaggers yelling the N-word at John Lewis.

The Duke Lacrosse Frat Gang rapists were proven guilty because they were indicted by a grand jury and could have been prosecuted Federally under Obama's DOE #TitleIX guidance.

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