
I call on the power of the MoonBat. All College Professors, Art Directors, Newspaper Editors, Overpaid TV Reporters, Anyone else with a IQ of 80 or Below. Heed the call of MoonBatman.

Support the law enforcement bill of rights.

Support the law enforcement bill of rights.
1) 1st Rule of Policing: Police have the right and the duty to go home at the end of each watch. It does not matter how many non-law enforcement personnel are injured or killed or have their “rights” violated to achieve this goal as Police are entitled to impunity for their violence and protection from harm above all others.
2) Sealing of all law enforcement records from the public.
3) Police are entitled to absolute privacy when performing their duties. Police should only be required to identify themselves only in the arrest warrant or report if used in court.
4) Automatic search warrant and SWAT raid for anyone in possession of video and/or audio of wiretapping/eavesdropping Police Officers in public.
5) Reporting and Statistics about Police misconduct, shooting, and use of SWAT should illegal to be collected or published as they may inflame anti police sentiment jeopardizing Officer safely and violating their privacy.
6) Citizens must provide ID and must allow themselves to being searched by Law Enforcement when so ordered by Police.
7) Repeal Anti Police excessive force, false arrest and civil rights violations laws that jeopardize Officer safely.
8) Police officers accused of misconduct should notified of all incriminating evidence or witness statements, be able to review it and remain silent for a 72 hours cooling off period afterwards. Additionally the officer has 10 days to get an attorney before they can be questioned by superiors, An officer may not be investigated on a brutality accusation unless it was made within 90 days of the incident.
9) Police officer statements override any video or audio evidence as the officers' reasonable perceptions are more accurate. Video or audio footage does not capture the physical struggle from the officers' perspective, nor does it capture the officers' reasonable, split-second decision-making and thought processes in tense circumstances. This is the case especially when the video or audio is gathered by illegally wiretapping/eavesdropping Police Officers in public.
10) Police officer should be exempt from all making false statements laws
11) Police officers should only be tried by a special court composed only of Law Enforcement officers.
13) Qualified immunity should only be denied if the individual officer was sued previously for the same “unlawful actions or actions violating clearly established law.”
14) “Brady cops” do not exist. Perjury in previous cases should not be a factor in judging a officer’s truthfulness and violates their privacy
15) It is illegal to make a false accusation against a Police officer or engage in behavior that displays Contempt of Cop behavior or disrespects the police officer.
16) Police Dash Cam, Police and Jail surveillance video videos should only be used to protect Police, not as a internal affairs “gotcha-head hunter” tool.
17) Any videos of Police should only be used in court and/or be released to the public with the approval of all police officers being filmed to protect their privacy.
18) Amendment to the US Constitution that the Police officer’s bill of rights takes precedent over other "Civil Rights" in the Bill of Rights.

1 Responses to “Support the law enforcement bill of rights.”

  1. # Blogger TeenyGozer

    Typo alert!

    3) Police are entitled to privy

    Should be "privacy"... unless they have to go to the bathroom really really bad!  

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